Teachers and students are discovering a new and wonderful path to educational success.

Although attending a K-12 online school may feel very different at first, it has proven to be very rewarding for the busy student who has additional goals outside of their educational lens; such as those who travel quite a bit for professional competitions, performing art projects, or move often with parents who serve in our Armed Forces. K-12 online schools also are an excellent platform for children who struggle with learning challenges because online education can be modified to fit just about any learning style and allows the student to learn at their own pace.
Students learning on their own schedule was the main reason that I founded my own online school. I wanted my children to have a greater opportunity to pursue their dreams during the school year.
With most K-12 online schools and parent direct involvement, students receive a well-balanced, personalized and high-quality education from the comfort of their laptop or mobile device.
More and more teachers are joining the online education community as well. Most teachers love the freedom of course selections as well as the 24/7 access to class materials, online classrooms etc. This allows part-time instructors with full-time jobs the ability to perform their dreams of teaching at their convenience.
Many families have seen their children learn with less struggle, more confidence, and successfully blossom to their envisioned careers and/or enroll in reputable colleges around the world.
The cool advantage of K-12 online schools are the wider range of course curriculum selections and expanded elective choices. All a student would need is the passion and organizational support for learning on their own schedule. From that point on, they will be the master of their own dreams, goals and education.
…And that’s why K-12 online education is so popular!😊