Carrie Noltkamper Carrie Noltkamper It ain't about how hard you're hit, it's about how you can get hit and keep moving forward. Rocky Balboa Home MO United States Birthday 10/24/2007 Sport(s) GNCC Interest Wakeboarding
Ezekiel Utz Ezekiel Utz If you are not first, you are last. Home Ohio United States Birthday 01/09/2014 Sport(s) BMX, Motocross Interest Fishing
Nicholas Kelley Nicholas Kelley Every bad thing that happens is a direct result of choosing to get out of bed. Home WV United States Birthday 12/31/2007 Sport(s) Motocross Interest Gaming
Noah Moreau Noah Moreau "it's never too late to be what you might've been." - George Eliot Home TX United States Birthday 02/29/2008 Sport(s) Motocross Interest Golf
Nicole Rupert Nicole Rupert "Hard work makes easy work." Home Ohio USA Birthday 07/06/2008 Sport(s) GNCC Interest
Landen Johnson Landen Johnson "Prove them wrong." Home Arizona USA Birthday 10/15/2009 Sport(s) Motocross Interest